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4D Fit Mental Fitness℠
Instant Access - Mental fitness training, podcast, playlist, gifts and more!
Mental Fitness Training - Access guided training sessions.
Video Tutorials - Short videos provide guided instruction.
Work(out)sheets - Download worksheets for reference.
Mental Fitness Playlist - Listen to uplifting music.
‘MY BRAIN CAN‘T POOP‘ - Access print, ebook, and audiobook formats.
Shop Gifts - Find mental fitness gear on Zazzle.

Om 4D Fit Mental Fitness℠

4D Fit Mental Fitness℠ focuses on brain health, mental function, and neurodiversity to promote achievement and well-being. Download the app to have instant access to the 4D Fit On-demand Studio (with paid membership), 4D Fit Mental Fitness Playlist, ‘MY BRAIN CAN‘T POOP‘ audiobook podcast, mental fitness gifts and more!

Hvad er denne app?

Denne app er en Progressive Web App. Installér den på en hvilket som helst smartphone, tablet eller computer – den bruger meget lidt plads, og kræver ingen opdateringer. Personlige data eller informationer er ikke tilgængelige for en Progressive Web App.


Installér 4D Fit Mental Fitness℠ på blot få sekunder – direkte fra din browser. Denne app er tilgængelig på Android (med Chrome), på Windows og macOS (med Chrome eller Edge) samt på iOS med Safari. Klik blot på knappen Installér i toppen af siden.