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O aplikaciji Abelson

Abelson is a digital magazine with a focus on refinement and intellectual depth, delivering content readers will not only learn from but also love to share and discuss with passion. We believe that through learning, quality, and trust, we can inspire people to elevate their lifestyle by providing high-quality, honest, and informative content that empowers them to achieve more, regardless of their background.

Kaj je ta aplikacija?

Ta aplikacija je progresivna spletna aplikacija (ali preprosto PWA). Namestite jo na kateri koli pametni telefon, tablico ali namizni računalnik — uporablja zelo malo prostora za shranjevanje in ne potrebuje posodobitev. PWA po zasnovi ne more dostopati do podatkov vaše naprave ali osebnih podatkov.


Namestite Abelson v nekaj sekundah — neposredno iz brskalnika. Ta aplikacija je na voljo v sistemih Android (s Chrome), v sistemih Windows in macOS (s Chrome ali Edge) in v iOS s Safari. Preprosto kliknite gumb Namesti na vrhu strani.