حول Aktive's Access Map
Aktive‘s Access Map is the go-to app for finding accessible sports and recreation activities in Auckland. Our map features detailed accessibility information for each venue, so you can be sure to find something that‘s just right for you. You can also filter by accessibility requirement and location, view accessibility reports, and get information about upcoming events before booking directly through the Map. Aktive Auckland has you covered!
قم بتثبيت Aktive's Access Map في بضع ثوانٍ — مباشرة من متصفحك. هذا التطبيق متاح على Android (مع Chrome)، وعلى iOS (مع Safari)، وعلى Windows (مع Chrome أو Edge)، وعلى macOS (مع Chrome). ما عليك سوى النقر على الزر تثبيت الموجود أعلى الصفحة.