Om Anywhere Audiology Mobile App
Welcome to the Anywhere Audiology mobile app! We developed this app to make your experience with your hearing aids even better! Inside the app you can easily contact our practice, request supplies, access video tutorials and much more. đđŒ Make sure to turn ON notifications to receive important updates from your audiologist! Thank you for being a valued member of the Anywhere Audiology community! Need help? Call us at: (201) 731-8828
Vad Àr det hÀr för app?
Denna app Ă€r en progressiv webbapp (eller helt enkelt PWA). VĂ„r app kan installeras pĂ„ vilken smartphone eller stationĂ€r dator som helst â och den anvĂ€nder vĂ€ldigt lite lagringsutrymme! Genom designen kan en PWA inte komma Ă„t din enhetsdata eller stjĂ€la din personliga information.
Anywhere Audiology Mobile App kan installeras pĂ„ nĂ„gra sekunder â direkt frĂ„n din webblĂ€sare. Den hĂ€r appen Ă€r tillgĂ€nglig pĂ„ Android (med Chrome), pĂ„ Windows och macOS (med Chrome eller Edge) och pĂ„ iOS med Safari. Klicka bara pĂ„ knappen Installera högst upp pĂ„ sidan.