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Anywhere Audiology Mobile App
Now available! - New mobile app for our patients!
Contact us - easily through the app.
Access helpful - information to improve your experience
Video tutorials - for hearing aid maintenance
Tinnitus - sound library

關於Anywhere Audiology Mobile App

Welcome to the Anywhere Audiology mobile app! We developed this app to make your experience with your hearing aids even better! Inside the app you can easily contact our practice, request supplies, access video tutorials and much more. 👉🏼 Make sure to turn ON notifications to receive important updates from your audiologist! Thank you for being a valued member of the Anywhere Audiology community! Need help? Call us at: (201) 731-8828


這個app是一個漸進式 Web 應用程序(或簡稱 PWA)。 我們的app可以安裝在任何智能手機或台式電腦上——而且它佔用的存儲空間非常小! 根據設計,PWA 無法訪問您的設備數據或竊取您的個人信息。


Anywhere Audiology Mobile App 可以在幾秒鐘內安裝 - 直接從您的瀏覽器。 此應用程序可在 Android(使用 Chrome 或 Samsung Internet)、Windows 和 macOS(使用 Chrome 或 Edge)以及使用 Safari 的 iOS 上使用。 只需單擊頁面頂部的安裝按鈕。