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🖱️ More confidence - make major change in each area of your life
✒️ Become powerfull - Take on every area of your life
🎨 Become powerfull - Take on every area of your life
🖐️ Kids version  - tailored to meet 12+ kids needs
🖐️  Answers to your needs - the AI responds to your specific needs
➕  Rename chats - Organize your chats to match important topics in your life
Multilanguage - The whole conversation in your own language

Over chat30sec

Meet our AI - chatbot -30 sec - to 1000 X your life - designed to help you overcome insecurity, fear, anxiety, stress, self-doubt or any emotion holding you back. There are many situations where the Five Transformations can be applied to help you lead a more fulfilling, wealthy, happy, and healthy live. Start a new Business. Start a new Life Start new Relationships Start a more healthy life Start building wealth. The Five Transformations framework is based on the fact that every person has two inner voices – the voice of insecurity and the voice of security. By learning to balance your inner voices, you can focus on building positive change and become more self-confident.

Wat voor app is dit?

Deze app is een Progressive Web App (of kortweg PWA). Installeer het op elke smartphone, tablet of desktopcomputer; het gebruikt zeer weinig opslagruimte en vereist geen updates. Door zijn ontwerp heeft een PWA geen toegang tot uw apparaatgegevens of persoonlijke gegevens.


chat30sec kan in een paar seconden worden geïnstalleerd - rechtstreeks vanuit je browser. Deze app is beschikbaar op Android (met Chrome), op Windows en macOS (met Chrome of Edge) en op iOS met Safari. Klik gewoon op de knop Installeren bovenaan de pagina.