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🖱️ More confidence - make major change in each area of your life
✒️ Become powerfull - Take on every area of your life
🎨 Become powerfull - Take on every area of your life
🖐️ Kids version  - tailored to meet 12+ kids needs
🖐️  Answers to your needs - the AI responds to your specific needs
➕  Rename chats - Organize your chats to match important topics in your life
Multilanguage - The whole conversation in your own language


Meet our AI - chatbot -30 sec - to 1000 X your life - designed to help you overcome insecurity, fear, anxiety, stress, self-doubt or any emotion holding you back. There are many situations where the Five Transformations can be applied to help you lead a more fulfilling, wealthy, happy, and healthy live. Start a new Business. Start a new Life Start new Relationships Start a more healthy life Start building wealth. The Five Transformations framework is based on the fact that every person has two inner voices – the voice of insecurity and the voice of security. By learning to balance your inner voices, you can focus on building positive change and become more self-confident.


這個app是一個漸進式 Web 應用程序(或簡稱 PWA)。 我們的app可以安裝在任何智能手機或台式電腦上——而且它佔用的存儲空間非常小! 根據設計,PWA 無法訪問您的設備數據或竊取您的個人信息。


chat30sec 可以在幾秒鐘內安裝 - 直接從您的瀏覽器。 此應用程序可在 Android(使用 Chrome 或 Samsung Internet)、Windows 和 macOS(使用 Chrome 或 Edge)以及使用 Safari 的 iOS 上使用。 只需單擊頁面頂部的安裝按鈕。