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Green Quid
GREEN QUID - Free tools that allow every day users to earn and save money online
GREEN QUID - Cashback profits for climate action, with at least 25% financing tree-planting projects

Acerca de Green Quid

Green Quid is a one stop shop platform that offers individuals the opportunity to earn and save money online. With a wide range of free tools, including Jobs Scout, Quid Store, Cirtopia, Shareful, cashback and voucher codes, cashback prizes, Offers, and crowds JAR, Green Quid empowers individuals to maximize their income potential and save for the future. As a socially responsible platform, we dedicate at least 25% of our cashback profits to tree-planting projects worldwide. Users can withdraw their earnings in cash (Paypal or Bank Transfer), cryptocurrency, gift cards, or simply as a giftlex. Join Green Quid today and start earning and saving with purpose.

¿Qué es esta app?

Esta app es una app web progresiva. Una app web progresiva parece una app normal. Se puede instalar en cualquier dispositivo digital y usa muy poco espacio de almacenamiento. Una app web progresiva no puede acceder a los datos de tu dispositivo digital ni a tu información personal.


Green Quid se puede instalar directamente en tu dispositivo digital. Esta app está disponible en Android (con Chrome), iOS (con Safari), macOS (con Chrome) y Windows (con Chrome o Edge). Simplemente pulsa el botón Instalar en la parte superior de la página.