關於Mili Llama
Mili Llama is a platform that connects college students with K-12 schools to fulfill their substitute teaching assignments. No prior teaching experience is required, and we recruit college students of all majors. We provide our substitute teachers with training and support to ensure success. Quickly browse and accept assignments, manage your schedule, and give back to your local school while receiving weekly pay. Substitute teaching is the new gig economy, and thank you for joining The Herd.
Mili Llama 可以在幾秒鐘內安裝 - 直接從您的瀏覽器。 此應用程序可在 Android(使用 Chrome 或 Samsung Internet)、Windows 和 macOS(使用 Chrome 或 Edge)以及使用 Safari 的 iOS 上使用。 只需單擊頁面頂部的安裝按鈕。