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Music League

O Music League

Gather your friends or make new ones as you embark on a musical journey like no other. Each round presents a musical challenge based on a theme, from "favorite pop song" to "best breakup anthem." Everyone in the league submits their top pick, and Music League will create an anonymous playlist. You and your fellow players cast votes and engage in lively discussions about the songs. But it‘s not just about the competition – it‘s about the thrill of discovery. Unearth hidden gems, explore new genres, and expand your musical horizons with every round. "An antidote to the music streaming algorithm" - The Verge

Što radi ova aplikacija?

Ova aplikacija je progresivna web aplikacija (ili jednostavnije PWA). Instalirajte je na bilo koji pametni telefon, tablet ili stolno računalo — koristi vrlo malo prostora za pohranu i ne zahtijeva ažuriranja. Prema dizajnu, PWA ne može pristupiti podacima na vašem uređaju ili osobnim podacima.


Instalirajte Music League u nekoliko sekundi — izravno iz preglednika. Ova je aplikacija dostupna na Androidu (s Chromeom), na Windowsima i macOS-u (s Chromeom ili Edgeom) i na iOS-u sa Safarijem. Jednostavno kliknite na gumb Instaliraj na vrhu stranice.