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Peas & Hoppy Meal Guides
Weekly Meal Plans - Each seasonal menu includes 10 fresh meal ideas
Searchable Recipes - Sub the *perfect* recipe from our database of 800+ options
Grocery List - Made-for-you grocery list, organized by section of the store
Accommodate Different Needs - Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegetarian & Vegan Options
   Easy to Join,  Easy to Cancel - With the monthly subscription, you can stay as long - or as little - as you need!
Diet Culture Not Included - Intuitive Eating Dietitian Ann writes and tests every recipe and balances each menu for nutrition and flavor

O aplikácii Peas & Hoppy Meal Guides

Our meal planning app provide weekly menus for busy families. The weekly seasonal meal plans are balanced nutritionally and include recipes and grocery list. Customize your menu by substituting recipes from our database of 800+ options. Adjust your menu to meet the needs of gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, or vegan eaters. Enjoy the flexitarian meals planned and balanced by our Registered Dietitian, diet culture not included!

Čo o tom hovoria 5 6

Čo je to za aplikáciu?

Táto aplikácia je Progresívna Webová Aplikácia (alebo jednoducho PWA). Naša aplikácia môže byť nainštalovaná na akomkoľvek smartfóne alebo stolnom počítači – a využíva veľmi málo úložného priestoru! Podľa návrhu PWA nemôže pristupovať k údajom vášho zariadenia ani ukradnúť vaše osobné údaje.


Aplikáciu Peas & Hoppy Meal Guides je možné nainštalovať za pár sekúnd — priamo z vášho prehliadača. Táto aplikácia je dostupná pre Android (s Chrome alebo Samsung Internet), pre Windows a macOS (s Chrome alebo Edge) a pre iOS so Safari. Stačí kliknúť na tlačidlo Inštalovať v hornej časti stránky.