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🖱️ Login - 1. Login Screen: The first screen that the user sees when they open the app is the login screen. Here, users will enter their login credentials to access the app. This screen might include fields for the user‘s email address and password, as well as a "forgot password" link.
🖱️ Login - 1. Login Screen: The first screen that the user sees when they open the app is the login screen. Here, users will enter their login credentials to access the app. This screen might include fields for the user‘s email address and password, as well as a "forgot password" link.
🖱️ Login - 1. Login Screen: The first screen that the user sees when they open the app is the login screen. Here, users will enter their login credentials to access the app. This screen might include fields for the user‘s email address and password, as well as a "forgot password" link.
🖱️ Login - 1. Login Screen: The first screen that the user sees when they open the app is the login screen. Here, users will enter their login credentials to access the app. This screen might include fields for the user‘s email address and password, as well as a "forgot password" link.
🖱️ Login - 1. Login Screen: The first screen that the user sees when they open the app is the login screen. Here, users will enter their login credentials to access the app. This screen might include fields for the user‘s email address and password, as well as a "forgot password" link.

Про Psychvisit

It might also include shortcuts to frequently used features of the app, such as the appointment scheduler. The appointment scheduler is a screen where users can schedule appointments with their provider. This screen should be intuitive and easy to use, with options to select the date and time of the appointment and to choose the type of appointment they wish to schedule. A messaging feature allows users to communicate directly with their provider, securely and confidentially. Users can ask questions, share updates about their treatment, or request prescription refills through the messaging feature.

Що це за додаток?

Ця програма є прогресивним веб-додатком (або просто PWA). Наш додаток можна встановити на будь-який смартфон або настільний комп’ютер — і він займає дуже мало місця. За задумом, PWA не може отримати доступ до даних вашого пристрою або викрасти вашу особисту інформацію.


Psychvisit можна встановити за кілька секунд — безпосередньо з вашого веб-переглядача. Ця програма доступна на Android (з Chrome), на iOS (з Safari), на Windows (з Chrome або Edge), і macOS (з Chrome). Просто натисніть кнопку Встановити у верхній частині сторінки.