O aplikaciji Speakers Inc
Organizing a successful event requires meticulous planning, and one crucial aspect is securing the right keynote speakers, event emcees, and entertainers who can captivate the audience. Speakers Inc features keynote speakers, emcees, and entertainers from various backgrounds and industries. The ability to explore a wide range of profiles within a single app simplifies the search process, ensuring organizers find the perfect match for their unique event. The convenience of our app lies in the user-friendly interfaces and efficient search functionalities. Organizers can specify their requirements, such as expertise, industry, budget, and availability, using intuitive filters.
Kaj pravijo 5 4
Kaj je ta aplikacija?
Ta aplikacija je progresivna spletna aplikacija (ali preprosto PWA). Namestite jo na kateri koli pametni telefon, tablico ali namizni računalnik — uporablja zelo malo prostora za shranjevanje in ne potrebuje posodobitev. PWA po zasnovi ne more dostopati do podatkov vaše naprave ali osebnih podatkov.
Namestite Speakers Inc v nekaj sekundah — neposredno iz brskalnika. Ta aplikacija je na voljo v sistemih Android (s Chrome), v sistemih Windows in macOS (s Chrome ali Edge) in v iOS s Safari. Preprosto kliknite gumb Namesti na vrhu strani.