O Tauranga Access Map
Know before you go with Tauranga Access Map. This free app maps hundreds of accessible locations around Tauranga from playgrounds, accessible restrooms and mobility parking to council facilities and local businesses – taking the anxiety out of not knowing if a location is accessible. Each location has details about the type of accessible features and amenities you can find there. Are you keen to stay updated on accessible venues, events and experiences in Tauranga? Set your filters, check out photos and get the information you need before you head out the door. Install the app on your phone, tablet or computer to know what accessibility features are at the city’s best-loved locations.
Što radi ova aplikacija?
Ova aplikacija je progresivna web aplikacija (ili jednostavnije PWA). Instalirajte je na bilo koji pametni telefon, tablet ili stolno računalo — koristi vrlo malo prostora za pohranu i ne zahtijeva ažuriranja. Prema dizajnu, PWA ne može pristupiti podacima na vašem uređaju ili osobnim podacima.
Instalirajte Tauranga Access Map u nekoliko sekundi — izravno iz preglednika. Ova je aplikacija dostupna na Androidu (s Chromeom), na Windowsima i macOS-u (s Chromeom ili Edgeom) i na iOS-u sa Safarijem. Jednostavno kliknite na gumb Instaliraj na vrhu stranice.