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🖱️ Sign In - Use your favorite method. Email, Google or facebook
🌱 Enrich your Life - You can connect, learn, and grow
🙏 Join a group - and go live with us
💬 Participate - You are able to speak, listen while we are live
💯 Earn Points - When you are present, participating and providing
➕ Send and receive a blessing - Just tap once, and you can send an encouraging note.
🕊️ Start your own group - Its easy as a tap of a button to begin your journey of leadership

Rakendusest TELE

The Telechurch app is a fully integrated online church designed to enhance the traditional way of going to church by allowing people to have access to various churches, sermons, prayer, live counseling, and everything else that‘s done in a traditional church all through the app.

Mida teised ütlevad 5 4

Mis äpp see on?

See äpp on progressiivne veebirakendus (PWA). Seda on võimalik installida kõikidesse nutitelefonidesse, tahvlitesse ja isegi süle- ja lauaarvutitesse – see võtab väga vähe ruumi ega vaja uuendamist. PWA ei pääse ligi su seadme andmetele ega isiklikule infole.


Installi TELE mõne sekundiga otse enda brauserist. Äpp on saadaval Androidil (Chrome‘iga), iOSil (Safariga), Windowsil (Chrome‘i ja Edge‘iga) ja macOSil (Chrome‘iga). Lihtsalt klõpsa lehe ülaosas oleval nupul Installi.

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